SWOT Analysis

  • idea for a specific market, region, or time period?

3. Strengths (Internal):

  • Identify the internal factors that give the business idea an advantage over others. Consider aspects such as:
    • Unique selling points (USPs)
    • Core competencies
    • Skilled team or founders
    • Strong brand or reputation
    • Existing customer base or network

4. Weaknesses (Internal):

  • Recognize the internal factors that may hinder the success of the business idea. Consider aspects such as:
    • Limited resources (financial, human, technological)
    • Lack of expertise or experience
    • Weak brand presence
    • Operational inefficiencies
    • Potential regulatory compliance issues

5. Opportunities (External):

  • Identify external factors and trends that could positively impact the success of the business idea. Consider aspects such as:
    • Emerging market trends
    • Changing consumer behaviors
    • Technological advancements
    • Market gaps or underserved segments
    • Collaborative partnerships

6. Threats (External):

  • Recognize external factors and potential challenges that could pose a threat to the business idea. Consider aspects such as:
    • Intense competition
    • Economic downturns
    • Regulatory changes
    • Technological disruptions
    • Shifting consumer preferences

7. Combine and Analyze:

  • Analyze the identified factors and assess their interconnections. For example, consider how strengths can be leveraged to capitalize on opportunities, or how weaknesses may exacerbate threats.

8. Prioritize:

  • Prioritize the factors based on their impact and importance. Some factors may have a more significant influence on the success or failure of the business idea than others.

9. Develop Strategies:

  • Based on the analysis, develop strategies that capitalize on strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats. These strategies will inform the business plan.
Example SWOT Analysis for a Tech Startup:


  • Skilled and innovative development team.
  • Proprietary technology with a competitive edge.
  • Strong investor backing.


  • Limited market presence and brand recognition.
  • Reliance on a single key supplier for components.
  • Limited operating history.


  • Growing demand for the type of technology offered.
  • Potential strategic partnerships with industry leaders.
  • Expansion into untapped global markets.


  • Intense competition from established players.
  • Rapid technological advancements that could render current technology obsolete.
  • Regulatory changes affecting the industry.

Remember, a SWOT analysis is a dynamic tool that should be revisited as circumstances change. It serves as a valuable guide for decision-making and strategic planning, helping entrepreneurs make informed choices for the success of their business ideas.